11 Dogs Who Learned The Hard Way Not To Eat Bees

August 09, 2014

1. “Guysh. Shtop laughing.”
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2. “I shought beesh were for eatshing.”
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3. “Sherioushly. Itsh nosh funny.”
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4. “I shink the shwelling shtopped.”

5. “No, waish, my fashe ish jusht numb.”
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6. “Doesh itsh look bad?”

7. “Oh gosh, shish ish sho embarrashing.”

8. “I can’sh believe shish ish happening.”
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9. “Shtop shtaring!”
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10. “Pleashe don’tsh shtell anyone.”
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11. “Shanks. You’re susch a good friend.”

Via buzzfeed.com

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